You must know that this is not material goods which you purchase from market, but if you work hard to practice this, you can learn the method of self confidence. Methods are so simple but practice of these methods is must.
I have read these methods from an old book which were applied millions of successful personalities and got result in the form of self-confidence.
1. Fear is Your First Weakness
If you fear anybody, anything or any place, it means it is first rank of your big list of weaknesses. First of all, you must not fear from any one. Because God is your real father. when your finger in the hand of God, why are you fearing. No doubt, you are in crowd where your father can leave your finger but God is exist in everybody, anything and any place. So do not worry from any one. Second do not think other what they will say if I will do that type of work.
2. To Think Positive is Your First Challenge
If you are thinking negative, to think positive is your first challenge. Think positive because you are the main Creator of God. Your duty is to do the work according to God's guidance. This will increase your power and self-confidence.
3. Believe in the God is Your First Trust
Believe in god with heart. Believe in God with your brain. Believe in God with your each organ who can feel what is happening the world. Understand God as a kind person. Understand God is a best Judge. Understand God as a best teacher. Understand God as a best in which you are weak. So, why not to start to pray of God for getting power. If you do not sing, go to nature and listen the music and song of plants, trees, animals and birds. Listen the songs of different seasons. This is the proof that he is the best. Get power directly from him.
4. Success on Your Mind is Your First Success
A God who want to see you a self-confident and successful, make a big test for you. When he made your body and attached the organs like heart, brain, intestine, lungs, bonds, eyes, ears and other organs, he spread the mind in all who will become your friend when you will control on him. But when you will loose your control, he will control on you. So, control your mind, it is the test of God. Clear it at any cost. To Success on your mind is your first success in real sense. Self- confidence will be second success. So, take first step instead of taking second step.
5. Wastage of Time is Your First Wastage
It is true, you can get self-confidence within 24 hours, if you have learned to stop the wastage of every second in same 24 hours. Ordinary, we can say, a day and night period is 24 hours and for getting self-confidence, you need big period which can count in years. It is totally wrong. You get self-confidence within few seconds. But for this, you have to do hard work and practice for learning to stop the wastage of every second.
Do you know Usain bold, he made world record in 100 mtr. race in olympics 2012? He completed it just in 9.63 second, just before few seconds of 9.63 second, he got self-confidence and he was seeing his great target. But for getting this few second self-confidence, he did practice of many years by learning to stop wastage of each second.
You can also stop your wastage by making a great time table of your life. In each second of this time table should be used for increasing your self-confidence. One section of this time table should about the analyze what are your weaknesses and what are your strength and try to remove your weaknesses. After this your self confidence level will increase and you will succeed with this self confidence.
I think above will help you to gain self confidence.
Thank u :)
ReplyDeleteIt was really use full to me to increase my self confident